
"Why I Must Speak Out About Racial Discrimination" | Frederick Edwards Jr. | TEDxNDSU

Vinny's Story | Kyle Sharp | TEDxRiverdaleCountrySchool

Get involved! | Diane Delava | TEDxUCLouvain

Disability Advocacy: Reaching for an Accessible Future | Jessica Benham | TEDxUniversityofPittsburgh

"Engineering Spider Silk and Spinning Science Fiction into Reality" | Amanda Brooks | TEDxNDSU

"I Get Up Again" | J.J. Gordon | TEDxNDSU

Solving Hard-to-Talk-About-Issues Through Public Mantras | Rich Alapack | TEDxColumbiaCollegeChicago

Be a (non-violent) hero, not a martyr | Gulalai Ismail | TEDxExeter

Cello Performance | Loa Cho | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

Pocket Show | Filho da Nuvem | Yuri Reiner | TEDxCESUPA

MOOCs: knowledge at your fingertips | Sophie Dandache | TEDxUCLouvain

interdisciplinary education | Lefkothea Andreou | TEDxUniverisityofIoannina

This is Why I Hate Public Speaking | Siena Green | TEDxRiverdaleCountrySchool

What It Means to be a Leader | Will Trammell | TEDxRiverdaleCountrySchool

Immortality is a Team Effort | Jim Bachor | TEDxColumbiaCollegeChicago

Coding for Social Good | Natalie Glance | TEDxUniversityofPittsburgh

Narcissism | Bashar Zaidat | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

Innovations as a Cellist | Robert Cafaro | TEDxUniversityofPittsburgh

all children have the right to education | Euripides Micahel | TEDxUniverisityofIoannina

Self-Driving Cars Of The Near Future | Raquel Urtasun | TEDxUofT

THIRSTY | Remi Katz | TEDxRiverdaleCountrySchool

Meditation | Toral Soram | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

Reclaiming Voice | Elon Collins | TEDxRiverdaleCountrySchool

When David Heard | Reverie choir | TEDxLondon

One Day Like This | Reverie choir | TEDxLondon

Multitasking | Stephane Granado | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

How to tell a story? | The Storytelling Bug | Rajani Thindiath | TEDxIITIndore

Why marine trash is depriving our oceans and us a chance to survive | Tai Chong Toh | TEDxYouth@SAJC

My Crown | Ruqiya Althalmi | TEDxKids@ElCajon

Are Guns Really the Problem? | George Wang | TEDxYouth@WISS

Harmony through singing | Martine Reyners | TEDxGhent

The Tiny House Movement | Cristina D'Amico | TEDxUofT

Blockchains, burning man and bravery | Caterina Rindi | TEDxGhent

POWERFUL WORDS | Juleta Severson Baker | TEDxCalgarySalon

Be the Fruit Loop | Alyssa Ottersbach | TEDxKids@ElCajon

The toxic female gaze | Emma Jones | TEDxGhent

A Hot Dog for Kindness | Paz Parel-Sewell | TEDxKids@ElCajon

A square meter of soul | Kristel Vereecken | TEDxGhent

How to take the right decision at the right time? | Impact of time | Manan Desai | TEDxIITIndore

Statistics | Wyatt Reynolds | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

ORIGINAL WISDOM | Ken Low | TEDxCalgarySalon

Refugees | Leen Yassine | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

The Tea Meditation | Robert Holden | TEDxFindhornSalon

"To Be Revolutionary or To Not Be Revolutionary" | Arik Bjorn | TEDxHammondSchool

Overcoming Obstacles | Maya Jama | TEDxYouth@ISA

Leap Year | Sarah Reddy | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

Filmmaking's obsession with Superheroes | Alex Dunnett | TEDxGhent

New City Games | Ugo Bibron | TEDxISTEC

Live performance | Zak Dowlatshahi and Harrison Cole | TEDxLondon

Research? It's Child's Play! | Wei Wei Shannon Gluckman | TEDxYouth@WISS