Multitasking | Stephane Granado | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

Stephane Granato is a freshman at Maumee Valley who has been attending the school since the 5th grade. Stephane participates in many MV extracurricular activities including the Global Leadership Program and is also a member of the soccer and varsity tennis teams. In the future, Stephane would like to study international law and political science. Stephane Granato is a freshman at Maumee Valley who has been attending the school since the 5th grade. Stephane participates in many MV extracurricular activities including the Global Leadership Program and is also a member of the soccer and varsity tennis teams. In the future, Stephane would like to study international law and political science. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
