Coding for Social Good | Natalie Glance | TEDxUniversityofPittsburgh

The fields of application of computer science are broadening every year, in very exciting ways. This talk reflects on how computer scientists are contributing to companies whose mission is strongly aligned with social good. It highlights companies in two different areas (health and education) and the challenging technical problems these companies are tackling. Natalie Glance is VP of Engineering at Duolingo, whose mission is free language learning for the world, with over 150 million users on Android, iOS and the web. At Duolingo, Natalie has been working on conversational bots for teaching languages, social features, and performance improvements. She currently has four languages in her life: English for everyday, French with her mom, Spanish for reading and movies, and German on Duolingo (38% fluent!). Prior to Duolingo, Natalie worked at two other start-ups (WhizBang! Labs and Intelliseek) as well as at Google and Xerox Research Centre Europe. She has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers in the areas of text mining, fake review detection, recommender systems, and multi-agent systems. She holds 17 U.S. patents. She co-founded the International Conference on Weblogs & Social Media and has been on the program committee and/or a reviewer for a number of conferences, workshops and journals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
