The Tiny House Movement | Cristina D'Amico | TEDxUofT

Cristina is fascinated by the intersections between literature and politics, especially in thinking through how we define our social identities in times of crisis. In this talk, she will dissect how the tiny home movement is a response to the ever increasing prices of homes; how literature has written about the tiny house movement; and how effective of a movement is it at curbing home values. Cristina D’Amico is PhD candidate in the department of English at the University of Toronto. Her SSHRC-funded dissertation, “The Death and Life of Ownership in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (1840-1920),” combines political theory and literary analysis to rethink the privileged position of property ownership in American culture. In June 2016, she held a Summer Fellowship at The New School’s Centre for Critical Social Inquiry in New York City. Currently, Cristina teaches at UofT's English Department and Innis College’s Writing and Rhetoric Program. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
