ORIGINAL WISDOM | Ken Low | TEDxCalgarySalon

As modern humans, we're surrounded by systems of authority and control which can either enable or constrain our attempts to affect positive change in the world around us. Drawing on almost five decades of personal experience, research, and teaching, Ken Low gives us a tantalizing glimpse of his life's work, and how we can start to understand how these adaptive and maladaptive systems need to be understood and improved as part of the human venture. From our May 24, 2017 TEDxCalgarySalon "Origins" Ken Low is dedicated to mapping out the dynamics of adaptive intelligence in human systems and pioneering the development of a new discipline â€" human learning ecology. The driving motivation behind this research is the need to understand the underlying causes of adaptive and maladaptive development and behavior in individuals, organizations, societies, and cultures. The research draws on successes and failures of human learning and activity across cultures, sectors, disciplines and periods of history. The patterns of emerging adaptive intelligence found in the human story provide a structure for the human venture, a disciplined framework for understanding human progress, folly and resistance, including the systemic adaptive challenges facing humanity at our time and place in history, and what it will take to meet them. Ken is the founder of the Action Studies Institute, which provided the curriculum and support for Leadership Calgary and Leadership Edmonton [now Human Venture Leadership]. Ken is currently working with a team to develop the Human Venture Institute , a web-based global network to support research and initiatives on the leading edge of human and social development. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
