Leap Year | Sarah Reddy | TEDxMaumeeValleyCountryDaySchool

Sarah Reddy graduated from Maumee Valley Country Day School in 2015, and has since then taken a gap year traveling and working in various parts of the world before attending college. Sarah Reddy is currently a first year student at Oberlin College, where she hopes to soon declare a double major in Psychology and Environmental Studies. Sarah Reddy graduated from Maumee Valley Country Day School in 2015, and has since then taken a gap year traveling and working in various parts of the world before attending college. Sarah Reddy is currently a first year student at Oberlin College, where she hopes to soon declare a double major in Psychology and Environmental Studies. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
