
A Love Affair with Spaces | Jay Pather | TEDxUCT

Ways of knowing: BRICS, World Systems & Other Things | Kershan Pancham | TEDxUCT

'Over It', My Battle With Anorexia | Dave Chawner | TEDxClapham

One-bit Bots: Robotic Construction Outside the Box | Matt Carney | TEDxBeaconStreet

Being In The Here And Now. | Anne-Marie Reimert | TEDxTheHague

Pedagogy of Dreaming | Dr Nosakhere Griffin-El | TEDxUCT

Imagining Human Interaction and Technology | Dick Ng'ambi | TEDxUCT

Bridges | Greg Zeleny | TEDxUCT

Imagine a Culture Revitalised | Jason Woolf | TEDxUCT

Ideas Are Dumb | Matt Chaves | TEDxBeaconStreet

Stop selling our girls | Anuradha Koirala | TEDxGateway

I Love to Travel | Charukesi Ramadurai | TEDxSIBMBengaluru

L’improvisation : la science du hasard | Yves Roffi | TEDxLyon

Pas cu pas | Diana Slav | TEDxConstanta

Teatrul cu emoţie şi depăşirea limitelor | Diana Giubernea | TEDxConstanta

Schimbarea între frustrare şi bucurie | Cătălin Ionescu | TEDxConstanta

Le chemin du héros | Stephane Roger | TEDxLyon

Importance of Indian Civil Services | Vraj Patel | TEDxSIBMBengaluru

Congratulations! You Failed | Vishwas Mudagal | TEDxSIBMBengaluru

"Cómo estimular la mente para aumentar el deseo sexual" | Nerea De Ugarte | TEDxUMayor

Clapham Changes the World | David Souden | TEDxClapham

Getting a standing ovation | Rudy van Beurden | TEDxYouth@Brabantlaan

LOVE: The other four-letter word that drives your business | Bill Paolillo | TEDxMelville

Moda cutiilor sau Jocuri pe marginea cutiei | Mădălina Petrencu | TEDxConstanta

Despre acţiune ca vector al schimbării | Beatrice Popa | TEDxConstanta

Educaţie, altfel decât acum | Marian Staş | TEDxConstanta

Nu rişti, nu câştigi | Andrei Păunescu | TEDxConstanta

The importance of conviction in storytelling | Michael Burns | TEDxXIMB

Urban Folk | Shashwat Srivastava | TEDxIIFTDelhi

Globalized Civil Society: Cyprus’ untapped asset | Costa Constanti | TEDxNicosia

The joy of giving : A beautiful journey | Tanaya Patnaik | TEDxXIMB

Making it in the digital world : True Innovation | Keshav Dhar | TEDxXIMB

Energy Poverty: Let there be light | Steve Huff | TEDxSouthBank

Leveraging the Power of Stories | Ameen Haque | TEDxSIBMBengaluru

The Human Beatbox | FZ | TEDxBeirut

Sergio Zúñiga y niños triquis] | TEDxYouth@MexicoCity 2014

Arly Velázquez | TEDxYouth@MexicoCity 2014

Daniel Acosta | TEDxYouth@MexicoCity 2014

Daniela Ocaranza | TEDxYouth@MexicoCity 2014

Greta Ríos | TEDxYouth@MexicoCity 2014

Andrew Almazán | TEDxYouth@MexicoCity

Hindi is Cool Yaar! | Divya Prakash Dubey | TEDxSIBMBengaluru

6.Worlds Imagined | 周罕 | TEDxCCU

The affect of effect, in 15 minutes or less | Krista Mosca | TEDxNewEnglandCollege

A Beautiful Death - موت جميل | Lubna Izziddin | TEDxBeirut

Music for a Living | Jeff Bujak | TEDxNewEnglandCollege

Free Education Is In Fashion | Sarah Hermez | TEDxBeirut

Getting Smart About Learning | Wissam Yafi | TEDxBeirut

Throw Out the Checklisted Childhood | Julie Lythcott-Haims | TEDxGunnHighSchool

Easy is Boring. Make It Difficult | Roy Armale | TEDxBeirut