Being the director and Founder of Tall Tales, Mumbai's premier live storytelling event series, Michael Burns brings the values and impact of storytelling, especially non-fiction, to light with a fluidic presentation. Michael Burns is an American living in Mumbai for the last three years. He works for an American university, teaching through their online learning program; leading and designing courses in public speaking; film theory and communication. He is also the director and founder of Tall Tales, Mumbai's premier live storytelling event series, which performs every three weeks and showcases personal true stories told by the people who lived them. In addition, he's the creator of the Tall Tales Experience, a monthly, in-depth workshop that is an extension of Tall Tales and allows for a closer inspection of the details of great storytelling. Michael Burns holds a Ph.D. in documentary history from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. He is also a playwright, actor, editor, and filmmaker having directed five feature documentaries over the past ten years. His work has been seen in theatres and on television in over twenty countries. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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