Globalized Civil Society: Cyprus’ untapped asset | Costa Constanti | TEDxNicosia

Civil society direction and growth: how can we take it to a new level and what can we learn? Costa was born in Melbourne, Australia, and moved to Cyprus as an adult in 2006. In Australia, he studied psychology, psycho-neurosciences, politics and history at a bachelor level, followed by a master’s in international relations. Today he works as an adviser and researcher in the fields of international relations, conflicts, politics, civil society and public diplomacy whilst he travels frequently. Costa is often spotted exploring ancient and historical ruins and rambling through nature trails whilst he engages with local people from around the world, forging relations and links between them and Cypriot civil society in an attempt to enhance international engagement and globalization of the island. Costa is an advocate of the crucial and real power of civil society and social media. He believes that we need to harness these opportunities to improve the local and regional world we live in. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
