Buddy Up! Building Urban Resilience through Community Connections | Iva Jankovic | TEDxUBC

Iva's TEDx talk is about tackling loneliness, building community resilience, and strengthening interpersonal and neighbourhood connections to better face acute shocks and long-term stresses together, such as natural disasters, social crises, and personal emergencies. She also introduces an exciting project (https://buddyupvancouver.wixsite.com/buddyupvancouver/about) that she has been working on to address all these issues in a simple grassroots way that focuses on sharing our skills, ideas, and resources to build stronger, more inclusive, and more supportive communities. Iva Jankovic is a fourth year student studying Urban Planning and Community Engagement in UBC's Global Resource Systems program. She is fascinated with cities and the processes that shape them, especially at the community level. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
