Setting eyes on a goal, pursuing it ardently, and giving life a direction of one's choice is an exercise that everyone can relate to. Here's Kamalika Deka, a mould-breaker, who has overcome every obstacle that came on her way to success and her inspiring story of summiting life. At the age of 12, she was awarded "State Child Scientist" award at National Children's Science Congress. Since her childhood days, she has been very passionate about public speaking and networking with people which later helped her to pursue her career in Human Resources function. Kamalika Deka is currently heading HR function for North in Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd for the brand Domino's. She has over 10 years of work experience in the field of HR. Gender Diversity at workplace, a topic very close to her heart and as a female professional she wants to take this forward in a meaningful way. Also she has been actively involved in the cause of prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace as an ICC member both in her present company as well in her previous organisation Titan Company Ltd. Inspite of her strenuous day job, she have volunteered for guest lectures in the premium institutes of the country. Interacting with Budding Managers is what she loves to do during her free time. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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