The Gift of Desperation | Ian Thomas | TEDxBirminghamCityUniversity

Ian Thomas shares his lived experience in an attempt help you understand the lethal power of addiction and how the ‘gift of desperation’ provided a critical moment of change and how we as a society can look to provide a different narrative to help the most vulnerable amongst us Ian Thomas works for an independent fostering agency as a National Project Development officer using his experience and insight personally and professionally to improve the quality of care children and young people receive. Ian is also a second year Social Work BCU student. Has supported the The Oxford Rees Centre with numerous blogs that have been published. Has been Spoken at both national and international conferences on child care and the looked after sector, whilst also appearing live on the BBC Victoria Derbyshire speaking about how the children in care are over represented in the criminal justice system and more recently on the topic of Social Work. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
