Everyone has the ability to overcome their fears, yet most people donât know how. Find out how with Kalliope, Americaâs #1 Phobia Relief Expert, who has guided thousands of people from feeling fear to feeling greater freedom to live with purpose. Side effects may include becoming better people, awesome partners, cool parents, curiously smart students and happily motivated workers. She has been featured on all major television networks. As you watch Kalliope demonstrate the simple skills from her international best seller Phobia Relief: From Fear to Freedom, youâll learn that being right about what you fear may not be true after all. Phobia Relief Expert Kalliope Barlis has helped thousands of people overcome their fears and bad memories to gain more freedom and be better people themselvesâ"as partners, parents, students, athletes, workers, and more. Her national bestseller, Play Golf Better Faster: From Weekend Golfer to Pro Golfer in Two Years, guides players into optimizing their golf game dramatically in a short amount of time, using the same skills she used to become a professional golfer. Over the past twenty years of perfecting her skills, Kalliope has helped thousands of people gain freedom from their fears and bad memories. Her newest book, Phobia Relief: From Fear to Freedom, reached international bestseller status. She has demonstrated on major media outlets how she enhances peopleâs lives, quickly. Most, if not all, who have been touched by Kalliopeâs skills instantly express greater well-being. Through training others in her personal/professional development seminars (which include high-level, ethical This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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