Claire Lajeunie returns to her documentary "Invisible Women, Surviving on the Street" and calls for a political response. From 1996 to 2011, Claire Lajeunie was a director at Agence CAPA. The question of the marginalized, the neglected is one of his favorite themes. She has directed "Shaken Babies" for France 2, "What to do with our crazy? And "Children martyrs" for France 3. In 2012, she created her own production company L2 FILMS where she continues to work on social issues. She directed "The New Mothers Courages", "All Volunteers, to the Happiness of Others" and "Together, It's Better", three primetime documentaries of 110 minutes for France 3. In 2015, she made a documentary dedicated to SDF women: "Invisible women, survive in the street", a 60-minute documentary for Le Monde magazine in France, France 5, at 20:50. In parallel, she wrote a book of impressions and testimonies, born from this documentary "On the road of the invisible" Ed Michalon. 2015. In 2016, she tackles the subject of poor housing in France in a 70-minute documentary "In the shelter of nothing" for the magazine Le monde en Face. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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