Bharat Sethi, A Serial Entrepreneur who himself started out early to follow his passion and disrupt the design market tells us how the society always wants to make us somebody that we are not.Our life is full of a given set of rules that all of us have to follow. It's better being a rebel in doing things that inspire you. If you believe you have a complete control over your destiny, first Think then Realise then Act and then Act again. Try and experiment, because one time is not going to be enough. Find the things that inspire you, work hard for them. You would be unhappy if you don't. When someone asks "Why?", tell them "Why not?". Bharat Sethi is a start-up enthusiast with a lot of interest in building marketplaces, content led platforms, and online communities. He started selling art on Ebay at age 16 while still in school. He founded PosterGully in early 2012 as a side project to continue with his interest in solving the monetization problem for artists & designers. Since then, he has played an integral part in getting over 8 million users to the unique marketplace with an unusually high conversion rate, gross margins & profitability. The company got acquired in Aug'16 by ABEC promoters. PosterGully continues to operate under a new leadership, actively looking to strengthen its brand presence. He moved out of day-to-day operations but continue to advise the PosterGully Board. He took charge as Executive Director and CEO of iDecorama - a technology-enabled platform engineered to take the building, designing and remodeling industry online. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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