The counter intuitive truth about where customers are heading | Delia Dumitrescu | TEDxBucharest

Delia Dumitrescu reset our clocks with an exercise in the science of waiting. “As a trendwatcher, people always expect me to know what’s next”, Delia says. How can businesses keep up with all the changes? Just know what the consumers want next. But how? Look at ground-breaking businesses, not consumers, to see how change comes into our lives. They are masters at managing expectations and innovate as global brands, that set standards in exactly those expectations. Businesses, take this away: Your customers’ expectations are set outside your own industry…in your customers’s own heads! Meet the person responsible for developing and delivering TrendWatching’s Innovation methodology. Delia has worked in innovation consultancy and led workshops for audiences across Europe. She is the author of Road Trip to Innovation â€" How I came to understand Future Thinking (2012), and co-author of Trend-Driven Innovation (Wiley 2015). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
