An Overdose of Apathy. | Jack Ashton | TEDxNorwichED

The talk is a criticism of modern apathetic culture, and the concept of 'cool' and the attitudes of masculinity. It includes a personal story on what is a very prevalent issue. The main focus is around modern youth culture, and how the attitudes in which we project onto ourselves through it are actually becoming harmful to our well-being, and how the culture of not caring about things is leading to us placing our appearances over our own happiness. Jack is a 19 year old from the north of England, studying Politics and Literature at UEA here in Norwich, with aspirations of becoming a political journalist. He spends most of his time caring about books, his friends, his family, himself and the planet. But when he isn't doing that he's either writing, getting mad at things or drinking too much- or all 3. Jack was selected to speak following a public speaking competition at the University of East Anglia. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
