Adrian brought the island spirit to the conference as well as the magnificent project of cleansing Fiji from its pollution where all is then further converted into recycled materials. The titan venture is on its way and developing reaching out further all the while educating and spreading awareness. Adrian Midwood is a passionate change-maker coming to Maastricht all the way from Fiji! Here Adrian strives to work on conservation on the topic of waste in island nations, as managing director of the Ocean Ambassadors program. He believes that the conception of waste plastic remediation should be changed and has shown this can be done by engaging hotels, corporations, governments and the local community to make effective changes when tackling marine debris, by for example creating jobs and processing local waste of plastics, and setting up a clothing line made from these waste materials. Adrian is founder of Leisure Activist Clothing, a closed loop recycled material apparel, and is still an active Captain leading campaigns worldwide. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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