Poetry by his uneven handwriting. | Dae Ho Choi | TEDxKoreaTechU

최대호 ‘삐뚤빼뚤한 손글ì"¨ë¡œ 전하ëŠ" 시’ 때로ëŠ" 투박한 한마ë"" 말이, 커다란 웅변보다 마음에 와 닿을 때가 있습니다. 삐뚤빼뚤한 손글ì"¨ë¡œ 써 내려가ëŠ" ê·¸ 만의 ì‹œ, 일상을 새롭게, 즐겁게 만ë"¤ìžëŠ" 그만의 이야기를 여기 공유합니다. Dae-Ho Choi 'Simple words sometimes become much closer to someone's mind that eloquent speech. ' Simple words sometimes become much closer to someone's mind that eloquent speech. He writes his poetry with his rough calligraphic design. Let's share his idea to make each day new and joyful. 최대호 ‘삐뚤빼뚤한 손글ì"¨ë¡œ 전하ëŠ" 시’ 때로ëŠ" 투박한 한마ë"" 말이, 커다란 웅변보다 마음에 와 닿을 때가 있습니다. 삐뚤빼뚤한 손글ì"¨ë¡œ 써 내려가ëŠ" ê·¸ 만의 ì‹œ, 일상을 새롭게, 즐겁게 만ë"¤ìžëŠ" 그만의 이야기를 여기 공유합니다. Dae-Ho Choi 'Simple words sometimes become much closer to someone's mind that eloquent speech. ' Simple words sometimes become much closer to someone's mind that eloquent speech. He writes his poetry with his rough calligraphic design. Let's share his idea to make each day new and joyful. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
