Celebrate life | Duncan Stutterheim | TEDxAmsterdam 2014

www.tedxamsterdam.com Duncan Stutterheim sure knows how to celebrate life! As a well-known entrepreneur, Stutterheim has fostered several start-ups where youth culture and innovation collide. And in doing so, he found a way to add social relevance to the core of the party scene. A new generation, like others before it, has new values. Understanding this mindset and the quirks of this generation, Stutterheim decided to change the way he does business. Realizing that the old values based on profit were passé and outmoded, he decided to change this idea around. Stutterheim began to introduce the idea of free water bars at his events. With several business ventures and services changing to the sharing model, he realized this was the way forward and a simple way to add social relevance the youth mindset. But for Duncan, music and dancing isn’t frivolity alone. After the accident of his beloved younger brother, business partner and best friend, he created the concept of Sensation White to commemorate the life and the love for his brother. The event and the website were so popular that it reach a 100 million young people a year. Duncan decided to use this reach for a good cause. He launched 10000 hours, a project for youngsters to help in elder care, a very real need in the future. Duncan believes that music has the ability to connect people to each other, to the world, to help celebrate life together. Produced by: http://www.fellermedia.com Camera by: http://www.hoens.tv Catch up on more TEDxAmsterdam videos by subscribing to our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/tedxams Follow us on Twitter for updates: http://www.twitter.com/tedxams Read all about speakers, Ideas Worth Doing and behind the scenes reports on http://www.tedxamsterdam.com
